December 4, 2011

What's holding me back still .

He's good. Probably, just for now.

Thoughts of you still lingering around my mind.

Feeling like a fool everytime I thought about you, when I am long forgotten.

Been almost one year.

How long more do I need to get you completely off my mind ? I wonder.

You gave me too much, to remember.

November 20, 2011

Messed up .

"She's not just any other girl . "
Yes, he said that right to his friend in front of me.

October 17, 2011

I'd to stop getting my hopes high knowing there wouldn't be an outcome .

October 15, 2011

I miss how I could complain to you when I am sick in return for words of comfort .
Your worried expressions and words you said .
Well, I think I am probably too sick to this crazy point that I am even thinking about all these .

October 9, 2011



October 2, 2011

如果我不曾拥有,那我也就没什么好失去的了。 不是吗?”

September 20, 2011

Forever not good enough

Hardwork did paid off , all the struggling nights up .
Maybe my expectations was way too high .
I can't say that I did well, as compared .
Disappointed .

September 18, 2011

谁又懂得,当信任和付出的真心换来的只是被叛,得到的是一句对不起,那种感觉 。
不是一次,而是两次 。
还是为了同一个她。真的觉得自己好可笑 。
以后,到底还能相信什么 ?


谁又懂得,当信任和付出的真心换来的只是被叛,得到的是一句对不起,那种感觉 。

不是一次,而是两次 。

真的觉得自己好可笑 。


以后,到底还能相信什么 ?


August 27, 2011



August 12, 2011


Feeling as if I can vomit anytime. Stomach feel so bloated, but I hasn't been eating much. Headache that is hurting badly. Gasping for air at times.
Seriously, feeling that unwell recently.
TGIF. Got to rest .
Exams round the corner too! That pile of stress building up inside.
Wanna get over it faster, so that I can meet my girls !


August 1, 2011


Dry up tears. Get over with it . Learn from it .
I never thought I'll be so affected.
Felt as if I've let down Mr.M .
Such high hopes and expectations.

July 30, 2011

Bottling it all up deep inside

Silence doesn't means that I am okay.
They said I looked much more happier as compared to before.
I keep quiet, I didn't want any concern from anyone.
Though, I know I need it badly to feel better.
How much exactly could it lessen inside if I was to share ?
Actually, I've no idea what was it all about.
Just the feeling of empty .

July 26, 2011

Runaway train.

Can I just put down everything and run away? ):
Physically and mentally worn out. Energy drained.
24 hours a day. I only get to sleep for less than 6 hours.
Everyday. The same old routine.
It's really torturing. Not a superwoman.


Breaking apart over and over again.
I'd enough. It's killing me.
I should stop this. Someone tell me how should I go about it.
Time don't seems to help to lessen the pain.
It's not your fault. But, it's also not my fault for choosing to be like this.

July 17, 2011

I miss you.

" It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with good bye. "

Saying is always easier than doing it.
Time doesn't seems to heal everything.